Airframe AD
(Online AD's at the end)

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Updated to 07 Octt 2001

64-03-01 - Fuel tank access doors

64-06-03 - Flight spoiler actuator rod

64-12-02 - Thrust reversers

64-22-02 - Cabin cove lights

64-26-01 - Deactivation of the autopilot

t65-03-02 - Horizontal stabiliser drain

65-17-01 - Thrust reverser actuator piston

66-08-02 - Flap drive coupling sleeve

66-22-02 - Pneumatic brake system

66-23-01 - Fuel line B-nuts

66-24-01 - Trim system brake

66-29-01 - Engine cowl panel latch

66-30-02 - Fuel and electrical lines

67-02-01 - Trailing edge beam

67-07-01 - Sperry SP-50 autopilot

67-14-02 - Landing gear side strut

t67-22-03 - Main gear downlock rod

68-08-02 - Aft trunnion extension

68-10-02 - Heater blankets

68-10-05 - Deflector doors

68-14-02 - Gear downlock actuating system

68-15-01 - Cracks in horizontal stabiliser

68-15-04 - Damage to wire bundles

69-03-02 - Rudder pedal displacement

69-04-01 - Operation of battery switch

h69-12-02 - Takeoff warning system

69-15-05 - Engine fire extinguisher

r69-16-01 - Generator loss

69-20-06 - Circuit overloads

69-25-01 - Generator control circuit

69-25-02 - Generator system lockout

t69-25-03 - Engine cone bolt

70-02-11 - Stabiliser center section spar

70-26-03 - Main gear trunnion support beam

71-09-04 - Main gear actuator beam

71-26-01 - Main landing gear actuator beam

72-12-01 - Main gear downlock shaft

72-25-03 - Main gear trunnion support beam

73-06-01 - Leading edge slat actuators

73-09-04 - Crack in entry door hinge

73-26-06 - Corrosion of torsion shafts

74-09-05 - Emergency exits

74-10-08 - Horizontal stabiliser pins

74-18-09 - Landing gear actuators

74-21-01 - Main landing gear wheel well

74-21-03 - Fire hazard

74-23-03 - Air conditioning packs

75-05-01 - Control cable pulleys

75-09-04 R1 - Center section fitting

75-20-09 - Wing vibrations

76-07-05 - Nose landing gear

76-13-01 - Body corrosion for cracking

76-15-06 - Elevator balance panel hinges

77-03-02 R2 - Fuel feed hose assemblies

77-13-15 - Floor beam cracking

77-18-06 - Horizontal stabiliser

78-01-08 - Automatic throttles

78-11-07 - Horizontal stabiliser

78-24-05 R1 - Galley door and emergency bar

78-26-07 - Thrust reverser assembly

79-04-01 R3 - Main landing gear-up landings

79-10-05 - Cracks or pieces in sliders

79-11-02 - Auto Speedbrake system

79-20-06 - Side strut assemblies

79-23-02 - "Carry-all" interior

r80-02-01 R2 - Auxiliary body fuel tank

80-07-02 - Flight control systems

80-08-01 R1 - Placard on aft stairway

80-08-10 R1 - Main deck cargo doors

80-22-12 R2 - Leading edge devices

81-17-07 - Skin delamination

81-19-07 - Air flow multiplier

82-08-09 - "E-F" window post

82-10-03 - Hydraulic tube assemblies

82-22-01 - Actuator pistons

83-01-05 R2 - Undetected eng. starter operation

83-02-08 - Cargo sidewall frames

83-03-01 R1 - Forward entry doorway insp

84-21-05 - DTR for each SSI in Boeing...

85-16-05 - Fire prevention - lavatories

85-19-01 - Rosemount AOA sensors

86-02-06 R1 - Pressure bulkhead web and strap

86-05-07 - Forward lavatory drain system

86-18-03 - Cracks in wing center section

87-02-05 R1 - Pump motor installations

87-04-15 - Wing spar fittings

87-06-10 - Main landing gear bearings

87-08-09 - Tire inflation

87-22-06 - Main landing gear lever

87-24-03 - Inspect elevator spar

88-01-02 - Main landing gear bolts

88-17-06 - Wing surface stringers

88-20-07 - Main landing gear pivots

88-22-09 - Takeoff conf. warning system

88-24-01 - Inspect MLG support link

88-24-12 - Main landing gear

r88-26-02 - Main gear well pressure floor

89-07-05 - Aileron power control unit

89-15-06 - Fuselage inspection

89-18-12 R1 - AFM changes - cargo transport

89-20-04 - Internal fuselage skin inspect

89-21-02 - Engine mount cone bolt nut

t89-23-17 - Engine mount support fittings

90-02-08 - Landing gear selector arm

90-02-10 - Inspect fuselage

90-02-16 - Inspect wing spar web

90-02-19 - Main landing gear door fittings

90-03-18 - Takeoff warning systems

90-04-08 - Inspect fuselage

90-06-09 - Structural modifications

90-06-16 - Inspect fuselage frames

90-07-05 - Flap tracks

90-11-53 - Loose, missing through-bolt nut

90-12-11 R1 - Escape slide release cable

90-15-12 - Engine mount bolt

90-17-06 - MLG pressure floor

90-18-02 - Slat track bearing bolts

90-20-02 - Wing inspection

90-20-08 - Cargo compartment skin

90-20-14 - Cargo compartment frames

90-20-18 - Inspection per SB 727-53-0082

90-21-19 - Main deck cargo door

90-24-11 - Pressure bulkhead web and strap

90-25-03 - Corrosion control program

90-26-09 - Fuselage inspection

91-03-09 - Life raft compartment

t91-06-06 - Fuselage inspection

91-07-11 - Cargo doorway

91-09-03 - Flap tracks

91-09-05 - Circuit breakers

91-09-06 - Center wing fuel tank

91-09-07 - Forward entry doorway

91-15-14 - MLG door actuator bolts

91-15-21 - Auxiliary fuel tanks

91-18-07 - Brake part inspection

91-22-08 - MLG pressure floor cracks

91-24-11 R1 - (BS) 870 terminal fitting

92-02-03 - Cargo doors with STC SA1368SO

92-06-14 - (BS)950 body station failure

92-12-03 - Fuselage lobe frame cracking

92-12-08 - Main landing gear braking

92-19-11 - Cabin pressurisation loss

93-01-14 - Main landing gear

93-02-08 - Main gear braking

93-05-17 - Cabin window

93-07-15 - Cargo compartment

94-02-04 - Fuselage Frames

94-04-03 - Slat Bolts

94-05-04 - Structural Modification

94-07-08 - Structural Capability

94-23-10 - Lavatory Dump Valve

95-15-06 - Fuel Valve Actuators

96-06-05 - Elevator Control Tab

97-02-09 - Main Landing Gear

97-03-04 - Fuel Cap & INOP Placards

97-05-08 - Inspections

97-25-15 - Visual inspection

98-04-29 - Manual Extension Gearbox

98-11-03 - DTR for each SSI in Boeing

98-11-03 R1 - Structural integrity 727 fleet

98-18-20 - Actuator

98-23-51 - Corrosion and Fatigue Cracking of the Fuselage Skin Lap Joints

98-26-18 - Structural Failure of the Floor Beams of the Main Cargo Deck

98-26-19 - Structural failure of the floor beams of the main cargo deck

98-26-20 - Structural Failure of the Floor Beams of the Main Cargo Deck

98-26-21 - Structural Failure of the Floor Beams of the Main Cargo Deck

99-04-22 - Cracking Lower Skin

99-12-52 - Fuel Tank Explosion

99-18-05 - Aft Pressure Bulkhead

99-20-10 - Nose Landing Gear Wheel Well

99-24-06 - Ignition of Fuel Vapour in the Fuel Boost Pump

T98-23-51 - Fuselage Skin Lap Joints

T99-12-51 - Fuel Boost Pump Wiring Conduits

T99-12-52 - Fuel Boost Pump Wiring Conduits

2000-02-19 - Fatigue Cracks Front Spar Web

2000-05-19 - Fuselage Skin / Bonded Doubler Area

2000-08-19 - Fatigue Cracking Body Skin

2000-14-07 - Cracking of the Rear Spar Web

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