Fuel Nozzle Leakage Category
- Engine Applicability: Pratt & Whitney (PW) Model JT8D-209, -217, -217A, -217C, -219 turbofan engines; and JT8D-1, -1A, -1B, -7, -7A, -7B, -9, -9A, -11, -15, -15A, -17, -17A, -17R, and -17AR turbofan engines incorporating the original issue or any revision of Pratt & Whitney Service Bulletin No. 5650; and any PW Model JT8D engine with low emissions fuel nozzles, Part Numbers 775485, 809137-01, 802965, and 5004308-02 installed. These engines are installed on but not limited to Boeing 727 and 737 series, and McDonnell Douglas DC-9 and MD-80 series aircraft. Compliance: Required as indicated, unless accomplished previously. To prevent fuel leakage from the Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assembly and melting of the oil pressure and scavenge tube fittings, which can result in an uncontained engine fire and damage to the aircraft, accomplish the following: (a) Inspect Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assemblies in accordance with PW Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) No. A6153, Revision 1, dated June 8, 1994, as follows: (1) For Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assemblies that have accumulated more than 2,500 hours time in service (TIS) since last fuel nozzle and support assembly overhaul on the effective date of this airworthiness directive (AD), initially inspect for fuel leakage within 700 hours TIS after the effective date of this AD. (2) For engines with Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assemblies with 2,500 or less hours TIS since fuel nozzle and support assembly overhaul on the effective date of this AD, initially inspect prior to accumulating 3,200 hours TIS since overhaul. (3) Thereafter, inspect for fuel leakage in accordance with PW ASB A6153, Revision 1, dated June 8, 1994, at intervals not to exceed 700 hours TIS since last inspection. (4) Remove from service Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assemblies that exhibit evidence of fuel leakage as described in PW ASB No. A6153, Revision 1, dated June 8, 1994, and replace with the improved sealing configuration nozzle in accordance with paragraph (b) of this AD, as follows: (i) Within 25 hours TIS, or 25 cycles in service (CIS), whichever occurs first, after the inspection performed in paragraph (a)(1), (a)(2), or (a)(3) for aircraft with only one engine exhibiting Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assembly leakage. (ii) Prior to further flight, on aircraft with two engines exhibiting Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assembly leakage, remove and replace at least one of the leaking Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assemblies. The remaining Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assembly that exhibits leakage shall be removed and replaced in accordance with paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this AD. (iii) Prior to further flight, on Boeing 727 aircraft, with three engines exhibiting Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assembly leakage, remove and replace at least two of the leaking Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assemblies. The remaining Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assembly that exhibits leakage shall be removed and replaced in accordance with paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this AD. NOTE: Fuel nozzles and support assemblies that have not undergone overhaul do not require inspection in accordance with paragraph (a) of this AD. (b) At the next accessibility of the diffuser build group after the effective date of this AD, but no later than July 31, 1999, accomplish the following: (1) Replace the Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assembly with the improved sealing configuration in accordance with Part 1 of PW ASB No. A6169, Revision 2, dated October 26, 1994. (2) Replace the aluminum pressure and scavenge oil tube fittings with steel fittings in accordance with PW ASB No. A6170, Revision 2, dated October 20, 1994. NOTE: Replacement of the following oil tubes with corresponding oil tubes that incorporate steel fittings constitutes compliance with paragraph (b)(2) of this AD: (i) Outer internal Number 4 and 5 bearing pressure tube assembly for PW JT8D-200 series engines. (ii) Outer internal main bearing pressure tube assembly for PW JT8D-200 series engines. (iii) Main bearing pressure manifold assembly for PW JT8D-200 series engines. (iv) Front Number 4 1/2 and 6 bearing pressure tube assembly for JT8D-200 series engines. (v) Number 4 bearing oil scavenge tube assembly for all other JT8D engines. (vi) Number 4 bearing oil pressure tube assembly for all other JT8D engines. (vii) Main bearing pressure manifold assembly for all other JT8D engines. (c) Incorporation of the hardware required by paragraph (b)(1) of this AD, constitutes terminating action for the inspections required by paragraph (a) of this AD. (d) For the purpose of this AD, accessibility of the diffuser build group is defined as engine maintenance that entails flange separation of the diffuser case from the combustion chamber outer case. (e) For the purpose of this AD, fuel nozzle and support assembly overhaul is defined as disassembly of the fuel nozzle from the support assembly that entails removal of the fuel nozzle nut. (f) For any Number 7 fuel nozzle and support assembly that is removed for evidence of leakage in accordance with paragraph (a) of this AD, submit the following information within 60 days after the removal, to the Manager, Engine Certification Office, Engine and Propeller Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service, FAA, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, Massachusetts, 01803-5299; fax (617) 238-7199: (1) Fuel nozzle and support assembly part number and serial number. (2) Fuel nozzle and support assembly time and cycles since overhaul. (3) Description of fuel nozzle and support assembly distress. (4) Position of distressed fuel nozzle and support assembly. (5) Description of any other resultant engine damage. (6) Engine serial number. (7) Engine time and cycles since overhaul. The reporting requirements of this AD terminate after compliance with paragraph (b)(1) of this AD. Information collection requirements contained in this regulation have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the provision of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520) and have been assigned OMB Control Number 2120-0056. (g) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used if approved by the Manager, Engine Certification Office. The request should be forwarded through an appropriate FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send it to the Manager, Engine Certification Office. NOTE: Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this airworthiness directive, if any, may be obtained from the Engine Certification Office. (h) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with sections 21.197 and 21.199 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 21.197 and 21.199) to operate the aircraft to a location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished. (i) The inspections and modifications shall be done in accordance with the following service documents: Document Number Pages Revision Date PW ASB No. A6153 1-4 1 June 8, 1994 5 Original February 4, 1994 6-8 1 June 8, 1994 9-12 Original February 4, 1994 Total pages: 12. PW ASB No. A6169 1 2 October 26, 1994 2-6 1 June 15, 1993 7 Original April 29, 1993 8 2 October 26, 1994 9-16 Original April 29, 1993 17 1 June 15, 1994 18-29 Original April 29, 1993 30-31 2 October 26, 1994 Total pages: 31. PW ASB No. A6170 1 2 October 20, 1994 2-3 1 September 9, 1994 4-5 2 October 20, 1994 6-7 1 September 9, 1994 8 2 October 20, 1994 9 Original May 13, 1994 10 2 October 20, 1994 11-13 Original May 13, 1994 14 2 October 20, 1994 15-18 1 September 9, 1994 19-21 2 October 20, 1994 22 1 September 9, 1994 Total pages: 22. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be obtained from Pratt & Whitney, Technical Publications Department, M/S 132-30, 400 Main Street, East Hartford, CT 06108. Copies may be inspected at the FAA, New England Region, Office of the Assistant Chief Counsel, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC. (j) This amendment becomes effective on February 21, 1995. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mark A. Rumizen, Aerospace Engineer, Engine Certification Office, FAA, Engine and Propeller Directorate, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803-5299; telephone (617) 238-7137, fax (617) 238-7199.