don't squash or decapitate some poor sod.
Thrust Lever Actuated Take Off Warning Switch (S197)
- Apply
electrical power and to the airplane
- Provide
A and B system hydraulic power IAW Maint Practices 27-62-0
- Close
aural warning horn and lever latch and safety relay circuit breakers
on p6 panel.
- Retard
thrust levers to idle stop.
- Retract
flaps, place speedbrake control lever in up, or position stabiliser
outside of green band range to ensure take off warning horn will
- Advance
No3 thrust lever forward from the idle stop until the warning horn
sounds. Check that dimension measured when advancing lever is IAW
Maint Manual ref. 31-26-21 and 36-26-0. As amended by FAA AD 90-03-18.
- Return
flaps, speed brake lever or stabiliser, whichever was repositioned
for test to the original position, as required.
Upper and Lower Stabiliser Take Off Warning Switches (S532 and S534)
- Close
aural warning horn and lever latch and lights and T/O and cabin
press aural warn circuit breakers on P6 panel.
- Set
flaps in take off range and retract speedbrakes.
- Advance
No3 thrust lever full forward to ensure warning horn will sound
during test.
- From
within the green band range, move stabiliser in APL NOSE DN direction.
Check that the stabiliser trim indicator indicates one half unit
intoone half of green band when the horn sounds.
- Move
stabiliser in APL NOSE UP direction. Check that the stabiliser trim
indicates one half unit out of green band when horn stops.
- Continue
to move stabiliser in APL NOSE UP direction. Check that stabiliser
trim indicates one half unit into one half unit out of green band
when horn sounds.
- Move
stabiliser in APL NOSE DN direction.
- Check
that stabiliser trim indicates one half unit into, to one half unit
out of green band when horn stops.
Flap Take Off Warning Switch
- Pressurise
A system hydraulics.
- Close
aural warning horn and lever latch and safety relay circuit breakers
on panel P6.
- Advance
No3 thrust lever to full forward to ensure warning horn will sound
during test.
- Move
flap control lever towards flap down position and check that the
warning horn sounds at all detent positions except positions in
to 5 to 25 degree range.
- Position
flap control lever to UP too fully retract the flaps.
Speed Brake Take Off Warning Switch (S194)
- Provide
A and B system hydraulic power IAW Maint Practices 27-62-0
- Set
stabiliser within green band range.
- Position
flaps in take off range.
- Retract
speed brakes.
- Close
aural warning horn, lever latch and lights and T/O and cabin press
aural warn circuit breakers on panel P6.
- Advance
No3 thrust lever to full forward position to ensure warning horn
will sound during test.
- Lift
speed brake lever out of DN detent and move lever aft. Check that
the warning horn sound intermittently reaches position, and continues
as the lever is moved fully aft. Measure lever travel along upper
edge of the indicator plate.
- Return
speed brake lever forward to DN position. Check that the horn stops
when the lever reaches the position 2 to 5 degrees (0.19 to 0.48
inch) aft. Check that the horn does not sound with the lever in
DN detent.
- Return
thrust lever to idle position, or release EPR Eng. 1 and 3 test
switch as applicable.
LE TE Flap Aural Warning System (No Engine Running) - Aircraft with
LE Warn Test and LE Override Test Switches S1010 and S1011 installed
on P6.
Condition Engines not running. Airline on Ground Using External Power.
to Test
- Position
stabiliser so position is within one unit of centre green band.
- Speed
brake lever in zero (DN) detent.
- Retract
flaps and check lever in zero detent.
- Throttle
levers at idle position.
- Check
the following circuit breakers are open on P6-1 drain mast heaters
- air (C147darin mast heaters - ground (C148)
- Close
the following circuit breakers at P6-3. Lever latch (C122), landing
horn (C124) and at P6-4 flap pos ind LE (C193), flap ind pos test
LE and TE Flap Aural Warn System
- Fully
advance No3 throttle. Intermittent warning horn sounds.
- Set
and hold LE aural warn test switch (S1010) to override position.
Horn continues to sound.
- Extend
flaps to position 2. Horn continues to sound. LE flaps green light
on panel P3 comes on.
- Extend
flaps to position 5. Horn stops.
- Release
switch S1010, move No3 thrust lever from fully forward to idle and
back to fully forward. Horn remains silent.
- Extend
flaps to 25 position. Horn remains silent.
- Set
and hold flaps position test switch on LE Flap position test module
(M119) at P11 panel to position test mode. All green Flap and Slat
lights come on.
- Set
and hold LE aural warn test switch (S1011) to Left LE Test position.
Horn remains silent. No4 Slat green light goes out.
- Recycle
No3 thrust lever as in step 5 above. Horn sounds.
- Return
LE aural warn test switch to Normal position. Horn stops No4 SLAT
green light comes on.
- Set
and hold LE aural warn test switch to right LE test position. Horn
remains silent. No5 Slat green light goes out.
- Recycle
No3 thrust lever as in step 5 above. Horn sounds.
- Return
LE aural warn test switch to normal position. Horn stops No5 slat
green light comes on.
- Set
and hold LE override test switch (S1010) to override position. Extend
flaps to 30 position. Horn sounds at or before flaps 30 position;
continue extending flaps horn remains sounding at flaps fully extended.
Retract to flaps 30, horn continues to sound. Retract flaps to flaps
25, horn stops.
- Retract
flaps to position 5. Horn remains silent.
- Retract
flaps to position 2. Horn sounds. The green slat No4 and No5 light
remains on.
- Release
LE aural warn override test switch. The green slat light No4 and
No5 goes out.
- Recycle
No3 thrust lever as in step 5. Horn continues to sound.
- Return
flaps to position 5. Horn stops. All LE annunciator lights come
- Return
flaps position test on LE flap position test module (M119) to off
position. The green LE position lights go out and green LE flaps
light on panel P2 remains on.
all controls, switches and systems to normal